There isn't too much to say about me. I'm a mid-twenties librarian who has dreams of making a career out my writing. I've been trying to write various fantasy novels for the last few years, but I feel I'm not getting too much suncess in that area. Video games have always been a passion for me - perhaps too much - and I love writing, so it make sense to combine these two parts of my life in a way that can feel productive, even a little bit.

Like I said on the home page, Through a Console, Darkly isn't designed to be any kind of real fancy looking website or to have any real point; it's just a place to store my reviews from the past, and perhaps a place to store future reviews too. Who knows? Maybe some publication will come across this website and comission me to write reviews for them! Ahaha, I can dream, can't I?

For the most part, early uploaded reviews will be slightly edited versions of my older reviews, perhaps with a bit of commentary and retrospective on the review at the bottom. I won't have images or anything; I like to think my writing can stand for itself, but we'll see how that goes. Either way, thanks for taking a look at my stupid little reviews - I really do appreciate it.